Recycled Claim Standard (RCS)

Recycled Claim Standard (RCS): Defining Product Sustainability

The Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) is a significant certification for products made from recycled materials. It sets requirements for verifying and substantiating recycled content claims, offering transparency and assurance to consumers. In this article, we will explore what RCS certifies, why it is useful, and the benefits it brings to product sustainability, ultimately defining sustainability with RCS.

What Does RCS Certify?

RCS certification verifies the presence and percentage of recycled material in a product. It ensures that products claiming to be made from recycled content meet specific standards. The RCS certification process involves supply chain verification, tracing the recycled material from its source to the final product, providing credibility to recycled claims.

Why is RCS Useful?

RCS offers various benefits to both businesses and consumers:

  • Transparency and Credibility: RCS certification provides transparency regarding the recycled content of a product, giving consumers confidence in their purchase decisions.
  • Preventing Greenwashing: RCS helps combat greenwashing by verifying the accuracy of recycled claims and preventing misleading marketing practices.
  • Supporting Circular Economy: RCS encourages the use of recycled materials, promoting a circular economy by reducing waste and conserving resources.
  • Market Access: Businesses with RCS-certified products can access markets that prioritize sustainability and eco-friendly practices.
  • Positive Environmental Impact: By promoting the use of recycled materials, RCS contributes to resource conservation and reduced carbon emissions.

Benefits of RCS for Product Sustainability

RCS certification plays a crucial role in defining product sustainability:

  • Resource Conservation: RCS encourages the recycling of materials, reducing the demand for virgin resources and conserving natural resources.
  • Emission Reduction: By using recycled materials, products with RCS certification contribute to lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to products made from virgin materials.
  • Waste Diversion: RCS promotes waste diversion by diverting materials from landfills and incineration, extending their useful life through recycling.
  • Closed-Loop Systems: Products with RCS certification align with closed-loop systems, where materials can be recycled repeatedly, reducing the need for new raw materials.

Defining Product Sustainability with RCS

RCS certification defines product sustainability by providing clear guidelines and standards for recycled content claims. It ensures that products are genuinely made from recycled materials and helps consumers make environmentally responsible choices. By supporting products with RCS certification, individuals actively contribute to a more sustainable and circular economy, reducing their environmental footprint.


The Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) plays a vital role in the journey towards a more sustainable future. By certifying the recycled content of products, RCS enhances transparency, prevents greenwashing, and supports the circular economy. RCS-certified products demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, resource conservation, and waste reduction. Embracing RCS in product development and purchasing decisions helps define product sustainability, ultimately contributing to a greener and more sustainable world for generations to come.