Why to Not Buy into Black Friday


Why to Not Buy into Black Friday

As Black Friday 2023 approaches, it's time to question the value of diving into the frenzy. Despite the excitement and discounted deals, the discomfort of long lines and cold waits raises the question: Is the thrill worth the frustration? The convenience of online shopping offers self-care over impulsive purchases. Additionally, supporting local businesses year-round instead of contributing to drowning out local artisans and creatives is vital for community upliftment. While Black Friday's markdowns are tempting, they often compromise quality for quantity, contradicting sustainable fashion ideals. Instead, let's prioritize thoughtfulness in gift-giving over mass consumption and acknowledge the environmental toll of supply chain disruptions. Ultimately, reflecting on the necessity of purchases and embracing mindful living can steer us away from the Black Friday trap. By choosing not to participate, we champion conscious consumerism, local support, and a more sustainable lifestyle.

Everything You Need to Know for a Sustainable Christmas


Everything You Need to Know for a Sustainable Christmas
We’ve pulled out all the bells and whistles to make sure your Christmas is as sustainable as it is jolly, as festive as it is eco-friendly and as fun as it is conscious. It’ll be the most magical Christmas yet.

Greenwashing: What is it and How Can You Spot It?


As sustainability has become increasingly popular in fashion, many companies have portrayed themselves as more sustainable than they really are. Aequem wants to help you develop a critical eye for greenwashing, to stay safe from this deceptive marketing strategy.