As a part of the Interview with the founder series, Alfa Vega spoke to Maryna Plotnykova, founder of Pure One.
With their elegant and tasteful styles, and meticulous consideration of every step of the production process, Pure One ensures that sustainability is at the core of their creations.



Q1. What inspired you to pursue building your brand and bringing it to life?


Prior to creating Pure One, my partner Nina and I worked in different fields. Nina served as a financial director, while I worked as a marketer and event organizer, managing conferences on ecology and the largest festival on healthy living, among others.

As best friends for many years, we shared a desire to create something unique together. We both had concerns about the ecological situation and decided to develop clothing that prioritized both nature and customers. We delved into the search for the most environmentally friendly solutions and became one of the first sustainable brands in Ukraine. Our objective was to craft eco-friendly garments that not only had a positive social impact but also considered the well-being of the women who wore them, while respecting nature and the individuals involved in their creation.

The journey was long yet exciting. We interacted with hundreds of manufacturers worldwide, examining their work conditions and verifying organic certifications. We completed several courses on sustainable fashion, attended major exhibitions in Munich and London, and carefully selected partners who could ensure the environmental friendliness of fabrics throughout the entire production process, as well as guarantee safety for both the skin and the environment.


Q2. Why do you think Sustainability in the Fashion industry is so important?


The fashion industry has a substantial environmental impact, contributing to pollution, deforestation, and waste. By embracing sustainability, the fashion industry can reduce its negative environmental footprint and conserve resources.

Adopting sustainable practices, such as utilizing renewable energy and eco-friendly materials, can help mitigate climate change and decrease carbon emissions.

Sustainable fashion places emphasis on resource conservation. The industry heavily relies on limited resources such as water and raw materials. By implementing practices like material recycling and reducing water consumption, fashion can conserve resources and lessen its reliance on virgin materials.

Sustainability also addresses worker welfare. Many fashion supply chains involve exploitative labor practices and unsafe working conditions. Embracing sustainability means promoting fair trade, ensuring safe working conditions, and providing fair wages, leading to a more equitable and socially responsible industry.

Furthermore, consumer demand is shifting towards sustainable fashion. People are increasingly conscious of the environmental and social impact of their choices. By prioritising sustainability, fashion brands can align with consumer values, gain a competitive edge, and cultivate brand loyalty.


Q3. Can you tell us about the fabrics/materials that you use and why you chose them?


At Pure One, we exclusively use ethically sourced, biodegradable, and certified organic fabrics that are eco-friendly. Our chosen materials include organic cotton, organic peace silk, recycled silk, banana silk, ramie, hemp, Tencel, and ethical wool. Furthermore, our production and dyeing processes are GOTS certified.

All our suppliers adhere to the principles of sustainable development, transparency, and the circular economy. They prioritise the responsible use of natural resources and produce fabrics with minimal environmental impact. They also use innovative techniques, utilizing waste wood, fruit, and other organic materials to create textiles. Moreover, their fabric dyeing methods are exclusively eco-friendly, ensuring a holistic approach to sustainability.


Q4. A lot of people find working in the fashion industry fascinating. What does your usual work routine consist of?


Every day at Pure One is filled with excitement and variety. We engage in lively discussions, brainstorm ideas, and coordinate with our production teams. Exploring new designs, techniques, and patterns is an essential part of our routine. We also dedicate time to brainstorming strategies to promote our brand effectively, create engaging content for our social media platforms, and ensure our website is up-to-date and visually captivating.

Maintaining open and efficient communication with our suppliers and platforms is crucial, as we promptly respond to numerous emails and messages. Additionally, we meticulously plan events and carefully manage our financials to ensure smooth operations. Sourcing unique sustainable fabrics and fittings is an ongoing task, and we continuously study and stay informed about the latest industry trends to stay ahead of the curve.

These diverse tasks contribute to shaping our dynamic daily routine, ensuring that we remain innovative, environmentally conscious, and customer-centric in all aspects of our work.


Q5. How do you think the fashion industry can be improved?

1. Embrace Sustainability: The industry should prioritise sustainable practices
throughout the supply chain. This includes using eco-friendly materials,
adopting circular economy models, reducing waste, and minimising carbon
emissions. Brands can also promote fair trade, ethical labor practices, and
worker welfare.

2. Promote Transparency: Fashion companies should provide transparency
regarding their supply chains, manufacturing processes, and sourcing of
materials. This helps consumers make informed choices and holds brands
accountable for their social and environmental impact.

3. Foster Collaboration: Collaboration among brands, manufacturers,
policymakers, and consumers is crucial. By working together, stakeholders can
share knowledge, pool resources, and drive positive change in the industry.
Collaboration can lead to innovative solutions, such as sustainable materials,
production techniques, and business models.

4. Educate Consumers: Increasing awareness and educating consumers about
the impact of their fashion choices is essential. Brands can play a role in
promoting conscious consumption, providing information on sustainable
options, and encouraging responsible purchasing behaviors.

5. Shift to Circular Economy: Moving away from the traditional linear model of
"take, make, dispose" to a circular economy is vital. This involves designing
products for durability, recyclability, and reuse. Brands can implement take-
back programs, promote clothing rental and swapping, and explore innovative
ways to extend the lifespan of garments.

6. Embrace Technology and Innovation: Technological advancements can drive
sustainability in fashion. For example, using digital design tools and 3D printing
can reduce waste and improve efficiency. Additionally, exploring alternative
materials, such as plant-based and lab-grown textiles, can lead to more
sustainable and innovative fashion options.

7. Advocate for Policy Changes: Fashion industry stakeholders can advocate for
policy changes that promote sustainability. This includes supporting regulations
on waste management, pollution control, worker rights, and the use of
hazardous chemicals. By working together, the industry can create a more
supportive regulatory environment.

8. Encourage Responsible Marketing: Brands should avoid promoting excessive
consumption and focus on marketing strategies that emphasize quality,
durability, and timeless fashion choices. Promoting the value of long-lasting
garments can help shift consumer mindsets away from fast fashion.

By implementing these measures, the fashion industry can make significant strides towards a more sustainable, ethical, and responsible future.


Q6. Do you have any other designers who inspire you? Who is your idol (in fashion and otherwise)?


The fashion industry is filled with talented designers who have made significant contributions. Each designer brings their unique style, perspective, and impact to the world of fashion.

One designer we greatly admire is Stella McCartney. She has gained recognition for her commitment to sustainability and ethical fashion. McCartney is renowned for her vegetarian and cruelty-free approach to design, advocating for animal rights and utilising innovative eco-friendly materials. Her ability to seamlessly merge high fashion with sustainability serves as an inspiration to other designers.

Moreover, we find deep admiration for the courageous individuals in Ukraine who demonstrate resilience and fight for freedom. These brave individuals stand up for their rights and defend their homes. We are inspired by the unwavering dedication of volunteers who selflessly save lives, displaying incredible compassion and resilience in the face of adversity. Their remarkable commitment showcases the indomitable spirit of the Ukrainian people.


Q7. In times of tough challenges, how do you overcome them?


As Ukrainians, we understand the significance of facing tough times. When confronted with challenges, it is crucial to embrace a mindset that accepts the situation and shifts focus towards being helpful in the present moment, regardless of the circumstances.


Q8. In what ways does your brand interact with the consumer?


We primarily interact with consumers through social media platforms and our website. We adopt a personal tone in our communications and seize every opportunity to connect with both existing and potential clients in person. Participating in pop-up events allows us to better understand the needs and preferences of our clients. Additionally, we actively participate in various women-focused events, featuring guest lecturers and attending exhibitions, in order to engage in discussions about sustainability, promote our brand, and gain deeper insights into our audience.


Q9. What kind of message do you want your brand to reflect to the public?


Our brand aims to reflect a message of sustainability, conscious consumption, and respect for both nature and the individuals involved in the fashion industry. We want to inspire people to make mindful choices and highlight the importance of eco-friendly practices in the fashion world. By prioritising sustainability, we hope to contribute to a more environmentally conscious and socially responsible society.


Q10. Where do you see your brand in the near future?


Since relocating from Ukraine to Ireland and Britain, we plan to continue our growth and establish a strong presence in Europe and the UK. Our goal is to further enhance our sustainability efforts and increase awareness of sustainable fashion. Additionally, we have plans to expand our reach by establishing partnerships with select offline stores.


Q11. Which aspects of your production process have changed over time and why?


Over time, certain aspects of our production process have evolved as a result of our unwavering commitment to sustainability and the valuable lessons we have learned. When we initially launched our brand, we were fortunate to win an international competition, which provided us with the opportunity to learn from esteemed French fashion mentors. Their guidance influenced our early approach, and we started creating collections following the industry's seasonal schedule.

However, as we gained more experience and knowledge, we critically evaluated our practices and realized that this approach was not sustainable in the long term. Consequently, we made a deliberate decision to slow down and reevaluate our production process. Our focus shifted towards creating timeless pieces that could be cherished beyond specific seasons, and we began producing these items in limited quantities.

This change allowed us to prioritize sustainability, reducing waste and emphasizing the longevity of our products. By adopting a more conscious and deliberate approach, we aligned our brand with our commitment to sustainability and started producing garments that are designed to stand the test of time.


Discover Pure One's elegant and sustainable collection at Alfa Vega:

Pure One